Friday, January 6, 2012

3/26/08 HIGHBROW MOUW TALKS ABOUT GOING TO KOREA: "We are getting ready to leave for Korea and Japan tomorrow. My main assignment on this trip is to deliver the first Underwood Lectures. This lectureship has been established by the oldest Protestant congregration in Korea, the Saemoonan Presbyterian Church, in cooperation with New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Horace Underwood, a graduate of New Brunswick, arrived in Korea in 1885, as the first official Protestant missionary sent to that country. In 1886 he established an orphanage school, which eventually became Yonsei University, a major institution of higher education in Korea. In 1887 he established a small congregation of 14 believers, which continues today as the Saemoonan Church, now a very large church. Yonsei University, a major institution of higher education in Korea. In 1887 he established a small congregation of 14 believers, which continues today as the Saemoonan Church now a very large church. One thing I did in preparation for these ..."

[does rich mouw care , truly care, about anybody else?] 3/26/08 HIGHBROW MOUW TALKS ABOUT GOING TO KOREA: "We are getting ready to leave for Korea and Japan tomorrow. My main assignment on this trip is to deliver the first Underwood Lectures. This lectureship has been established by the oldest Protestant congregration in Korea, the Saemoonan Presbyterian Church, in cooperation with New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Horace Underwood, a graduate of New Brunswick, arrived in Korea in 1885, as the first official Protestant missionary sent to that country. In 1886 he established an orphanage school, which eventually became Yonsei University, a major institution of higher education in Korea. In 1887 he established a small congregation of 14 believers, which continues today as the Saemoonan Church, now a very large church. Yonsei University, a major institution of higher education in Korea. In 1887 he established a small congregation of 14 believers, which continues today as the Saemoonan Church now a very large church. One thing I did in preparation for these ..."