Sunday, April 17, 2011


4/17/11 cblog A 3-WORD PRAYER THAT IS GUARANTEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL ; crystal cathedral "Today..palm Sunday..they cried 'hosanna hosanna'..then they turned on him,..5 days later, they crucified him..tomorrow night..seder meal..those who want to join us..6 Jesus completed passover, ..prayer for morn offering..lord god Jesus..think what it must have been like for u, take steps on donkey, midst of hosannas,,u knew every step brought u neaarer to the cross..let cup pass, but not my will....soo grateful, how can we say thank u..hearts overflowing..lives overflow w/ your love, mercy gratitude..[vid clip from building houses in mexico]...guests..3 fitzgeralds.."taking step of faith..coming for a reason, blessing after blessing...monty..what stands out..people ready to work..full of joy..what..for u .."...level foundation..using rock to..and though build house on, ephesian 20 build life on foundation..remembered window people versus mirror people.., son u feel this made a difference? "..we actually slept in the...sleeping bags..small..but these familes were so grateful..rained Friday night..true ? Came on fri morn..raining..still raining sat morn..wondering what we would do..but the sun broke thru..that last night they had to sleep in the rain ...thank u mark megan & prep for pastor jim's message, amazing grace..

Jim Penner's Message: "how we get so stressed up..10,000 ..years..and we get so stressed with our junk..this drummer..pick on him,,smiles..the house I was on..3 little kids..neighborhood..given paint brushes..she's painting..climbs on panel that she just pained..pain everywhere..found this on internet.."to whom may concern...resign my responsib as an adult..want to be 6 again..and thank mcdonalds is a four-star restaurant..want to believe in power of smiles..limitless imagination" oh to be 6 once again..think.."unless u become like a child..." as 6 yo u have a sense that anything possible..u understand trust..found out from responses that a lot of people struggle with trust..psalm 23 "surely goodness & mercy.."  god is consistent, does not waver..god is always god, malachi 3.6 "for I am the lord, I do not change..." that's what god says about himself..pop over to hebres.."jesus christ same, ystrday, today, and forever" say same..ystrday today forever..hammering home..time does not change god..does not diminish majesty or authority..god never changes..understand embrace...3 key words fr psalm "surely, shall, & forever"..I remember a reporter..hollywood..asked people if they r going to heaven..most said, "not sure, maybe.."..I wanted to yell "wake up.."..then question.."how know surely, shall forever, mean exactly that..matt 7.7 "ask & shall be given, seek find, knock..will open.."..what man among asks for fish u give serpent? Jesus own daughter called..she's in college locally..asked for help w/ spread sheet..suddenly I had nothing better to do..if I know how to give good gifts to a child, how much more will god give to u..2 promises..1 god, 2 verses..tie together.."goodness mercy.."surely goodness mercy because god loves to give good gifts..matt spiritual & physical needs..I don't see the distinction..every one of your physical needs has a spiritual answer..jesus saying "u want goodness & mercy..ask"..when u pray what's ...2 prayers guaranteed..1) for salvation 2)..tell u ..dr schuller has been able to live a life..b/c he prays the prayer..and sheila prays the prayer..I grw up in denver went to bear creek hs ..our chief rival was shot was rachel..shot..he went to her pulled up her by hair said "do u stll believe in god?" She said " u know I do.."..rachel scott prayed that samr prayer..the prayer is simple "thy will be done"..I remember board meeting dr schuller said "this chair is empty for Jesus"..prayer..amen amen.."