Friday, June 17, 2011

5/8/11 cblog SOMETIMES GREATEST THREAT TO THE CHRISTIAN MISSION IS NOT ONLY "THE WORLD', BUT THE CHURCH ITSELF; Holy Wave, How Yoon presiding, Steph Chong preaching m:".thank moms today ...epidural or not..we thank u for carrying us for 9 months..I c

5/8/11 cblog SOMETIMES GREATEST THREAT TO THE CHRISTIAN MISSION IS NOT ONLY "THE WORLD', BUT THE CHURCH ITSELF; Holy Wave, How Yoon presiding, Steph Chong preaching m:".thank moms today ...epidural or not..we thank u for carrying us for 9 months..I called my mom and mom in law..they're on east her voice mail..she speaks korean..left message....called friend..she's ministry,,went to seminary..she said being unmarried she's almost lost her dream...she always planned to be married message re "ordered chaos" (gen 37) ...why god puts carrot in front of us...we say yes, then he pulls it away..? Why ? [Reading about selling joseph to the ishmaelites] ...prayer:  "don't have much time, pray, ho spirit, speak to everybdy here.." share w u succinctly death of a dream ..why does god give us an idea, dream vision, only to tease us...why ? But that's only the tip of iceberg..greater reason...3 points..1) god's purpose for your life will encounter resistance of man;.....most believers have faulty incomplete view...we think smooth sail all way...but truth is 'my ways not your ways'.....fallen world will resist will not understand god's plan....we get resistance from outside..BUT smtms greatest danger is,,even church fam..even those of the faith will resist u..they haven't yet been moved...greatest threat not only world but church itself..joseph's own flesh & filled w jealousy they wanted to commit fratricide (killing of brother)..why people of israel ..resisted messiah himself..when god launches smt new..when I went to seminary..age 71 she still prays 2 hours, 3 hours..she says god told me ur not sppsd to go into ministry..she wasn't on the same level..have wisdom and discern....always will getresistance from earth but assitance from heaven..2nd pt god's will st includes divine failure, when fleshly approach and attempt to fulfll that dream must die..we try to make god's dream happen thru our own flesh and effort ..Jesus wearing robe..(v23) ..[I had to leave early]