12/29/11 COP DRIVING DRUNK @ 143mph THINKS HE SHOULDN'T B FIRED: "(UPI) -- A Denver police officer who was fired for driving drunk at 143 mph has appealed his dismissal, arguing his punishment was unfair and overly harsh. Derrick Curtis Saunders was arrested Jun3 17, 2010, for speeding and driving while intoxicated, The Denver Post reported. A Colorado State Patrol officer stopped Saunders as he was traveling 143 mph in a 55-mph zone. Saunders blood-alcohol level [was] .089 percent, above the legal limit of .08 percent."
12/29/11 99-YO MAN DIVORCING 96-YO WIFE b/c of AFFAIR 60 YRS AGO: "(Newser) – If you think divorce is a tragic way to end an 18- day marriage, how about divorce as an end to a 77-year marriage? An Italian couple—he 99, she 96—are calling it quits after the husband discovered that his wife had an affair ... in the 1940s. The Telegraph reports that just before Christmas,"Antonio C" stumbled upon letters in a drawer that "Rosa C" wrote to her lover. She admitted to the affair, but her pleas that he reconsider apparently fell on deaf ears. The two, who have five kids, a dozen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild, are set to become the world's oldest divorcees...."
12/29/11 99-YO MAN DIVORCING 96-YO WIFE b/c of AFFAIR 60 YRS AGO: "(Newser) – If you think divorce is a tragic way to end an 18- day marriage, how about divorce as an end to a 77-year marriage? An Italian couple—he 99, she 96—are calling it quits after the husband discovered that his wife had an affair ... in the 1940s. The Telegraph reports that just before Christmas,"Antonio C" stumbled upon letters in a drawer that "Rosa C" wrote to her lover. She admitted to the affair, but her pleas that he reconsider apparently fell on deaf ears. The two, who have five kids, a dozen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild, are set to become the world's oldest divorcees...."