I had Feldmeth for a church history class at Fuller Seminary. He was a nice enough guy with a sense of humor. I thought he said he taught at Cal Tech as well, but when I googled it didn't come up with anything. Maybe he said he taught something at Cal Tech at one point or another (as opposed to being on the faculty there). Is he still at Fuller ? I'm not sure. The Fuller website keeps info on the professors as if they were current. It's not always clear what "snapshot" of the Fuller website you are getting (could be years old).
above is a pic of feldmeth in Zurich teaching about the spiritual history of the city. below is a link to a syllabus provided by feldmeth for his church history class.
http://www.scribd.com/doc/29758296/American-Church-History-Syllabus-Feldmeth-... and also http://www.scribd.com/doc/29758387/American-Church-History-Syllabus-Front-Fel...
What Fuller says about Feldmeth: "Assistant Professor of Church History and Director of Faculty Development, Regional Campuses
Connecting Past and Present
As assistant professor of church history, Nathan Feldmeth believes passionately that the past holds relevance for today. “We need to know our story—the story of faith. As we face the challenges of being faithful Christians, we gain real help from the examples of those who have ‘finished the course and kept the faith,’” he says. “I see the lives of our spiritual ancestors as a part of the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ spoken of in Hebrews 13.” Dr. Feldmeth first came to Fuller to work with one of those “witnesses,” in fact: the renowned church historian and esteemed faculty member Geoffrey W. Bromiley, a man “who profoundly influenced the direction my life and work would take,” says Feldmeth."http://www.fuller.edu/news-and-events/home-features/nathan-feldmeth.aspx