The Lazy Person’s Guide To Performing Random Acts of Kindness
Even the laziest of people can perform random acts of kindness each and every day and I’m going to tell you how.
Since we are talking about random acts of kindness for lazy people we’re going to stick to the small stuff. Lazy people are all about subtlety (at least that’s how I justify it). We’re not talking about show stoppers here, we’re talking about the subtle things you can do that will make others realize that there are still kind and polite people in the world.
Let Someone Pull Out In Front Of You In Traffic
Sure this seems like something that people would do all the time but it’s not. Think about how many times you been driving down a busy road and you see that poor sucker trying to make their way out of a side street into the traffic flow while people are just flying by them. I have caught myself being one of those people in to much of a “rush” to actually apply the brake and let someone out in front of me in traffic.
Use this opportunity to perform a random act of kindness. Just slow down and wave that poor sole out in front of you. There is one important thing you must avoid doing when attempting this particular random act of kindness and failure to do so will make it null and void. You cannot get aggravated with the person after you have waved a few times and they still have not gone. You guys know what I’m talking about…you start off nice with a smile on your face and after the fourth wave of your hand your smile has turned into a scowl and you are yelling at them to EFFING GO.
A Little Kindness At The Grocery Store
This one is really simple but you’d be surprised just how many people do not do this. If someone is behind you in line at the grocery store, once you are done putting your food on the conveyor belt, finish it off by putting the rubber divider behind your food. You know the rubber divider…the international signal that your food ends and the next person’s begins.
This particular random act of kindness benefits both you and the person behind you. It benefits the person behind you because they won’t have to reach over all of your stuff to get the divider themselves and it benefits you because you will be able to avoid their “I Hate You” sigh as they reach over all of your stuff to get the divider themselves.
All this random act of kindness requires is you having the ability to reach…even the laziest of people can reach.
As Simple As Making A Gesture
Have you ever been standing close to someone and maybe they are holding a few things and happen to drop one of those things. Some people may have the gut reaction to pretend that they didn’t see this just happen. But if you are focused on performing random acts of kindness you won’t do this.
What you will pretend to do is go to pick up the thing the person has dropped. So this random act of kindness for the lazy doesn’t even require you actually picking the dropped item up…all it requires is the gesture.
You are saying “hey, I could have ignored the fact that you have your hands full and dropped something but I didn’t, instead I will pretend to reach for the thing you dropped slow enough so that you actually get to it first and pick it up yourself”. The gesture itself is the random act of kindness.
What’s The Point In Performing Random Acts of Kindness?
For me it comes down to a little thing I like to call Karma. By performing a random act of kindness you are starting off a chain of kindness which will eventually make it way back to you.
I guess it’s about making the world a nicer place. Making simple connections with people in the form of performing random acts of kindness reminds us that we are all human beings and we should help out a fellow human being whenever we can…even if it’s by the laziest means possible.
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I preformed a lazy person random act of kindness just earlier today – someone slowed down next to me as I was coming out of a store and rather than pretend I didn’t realize they were trying to get my attention…I acknowledged them.
They wanted to know where Legal Seafood was…I answered them. Ahhh…it’s really rewarding to preform an act of kindness.
Anyone else do something kind today…in a lazy sort of way?
Wow – some people must be really lazy. I thought these were the kind of things us “normal” people just did automatically.
But, if people are not doing them then these are good tips.
You know what is funny, after I wrote this article I have been on the look out for others doing these small random acts of kindness.
I have run into a situation where someone completely let a door swing closed in my face and also…the person in front of me in the food store did not place the rubber divider after her food even though she knew I would be starting to put my food on the conveyor.
So although this post was written mostly in humor, there are some truths in me telling people to be conscious of this stuff. Thanks for the comment.
I returned a man’s wallet to him after he left it at an ATM in Billerica last week.