Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wilbert R. Shenk Senior Professor of Mission History

As far as I know Wilbert Shenk has retired. I never had him for a class, but saw him around campus more than many others. He was always there early in the morning (like me). I heard he is related to Dave Augsburger (cousin ?) but as best as I can tell, the are distinctively different personalities. God bless you Wilbert. Merry Christmas ! 12/14/11

Wilbert R. Shenk
Senior Professor of Mission History and Contemporary Culture
School of Intercultural Studies
Contact Information:

BA, Goshen College
MA, University of Oregon
PhD, University of Aberdeen

Biographical Information:

Wilbert Shenk joined the School of Intercultural Studies faculty in 1995.  He has previous experience as director of the Mission Training Center and associate professor of mission at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (1990-95); director of the Overseas Ministries Division of the Mennonite Board of Missions (1965-90); and a teacher in Indonesia (1955-59).

Among Shenk’s recent publications are: North American Foreign Missions, 1810-1914:  Theology, Theory, and Policy (2004), Enlarging the Story: Perspectives on Writing World Christian History (2002), By Faith They Went Out: Mennonite Missions, 1850-1999 (2000), and Changing Frontiers of Mission (1999).  He was a consulting editor of the Dictionary of Mission Theology: Evangelical Foundations (2007).