GOOD JOB TO BANDFEST 2011-12. LESS HEAVY-HANDED POLICE & PCC PRESENCE THIS YEAR ..I had criticized the pasadena city college cadets & even the pasadena police re over-presence & heavy-handed (bossy) presence at previous bandfests, but they seemed to improve this year, ...with the exception of a sudden appearance by a pcc cadet as I stood in front to get a good clip of the pass & review (maybe he was sent down by the tall blonde anglo pcc officer who seemed to have "zoomed" in on me I discovered later as she made an inappropriate comment re my hat as I was leaving)..everything felt more relaxed and not so over-policed this year, congrats rose staff ! keep up the good work ! I've never seen anybody being disruptive or disrespectful at a bandfest event and am sure the less police presence, the more relaxed & happy are the people
KEEP the FAITH I! it's about FAITH, ABOUT GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT, LOVE ..peace, joy, kindness, care, happiness.. about doing what's right.. treating others better than yourself, about servant leadership, .. it's about hoping for the best from others, even when we live in a world with too much anger and mistreatment of others.. KEEP HOPING for the BEST from others..and DO UNTO OTHERS AS u would HOPE they do UNTO U..