Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Review re Beverly Hills Library

So I've been coming here for years since 1984 when our family moved to Southern Cal and then more regularly later when I started using the computers for a while and then covid shut things down & I was traveling most of the time but returned one Sunday & decided to drop in and use a computer for my ongoing project.

AND as I sat down in the upstairs area at a computer a little while later a young man comes in and sits nearby at another computer but pulls out a laptop- seems to be using his laptop at the computer station . Then pulls out some kind of bottle and starts shaking it with some liquid in it and starts taking his medication or whatever. 

SO I turn and look over that way and stare at him trying to figure out what's going on with this  young dude ? I'm thinking maybe I should go tell the lady behind the desk about it. He shouldn't actually be there if he's not using the computer & he shouldn't be eating or drinking at the computer . 

He seemed to be "setting up shop" &  was annoying and distracting. But I decided to let it go if he would quiet down and do whatever he's doing and he did for a little while. But then another patron arrived and told the lady behind the desk that this young dude shouldn't be there and he wanted to use that computer. 

SO they walked over to the young dude and told him he had to leave he had to move. The young dude first tried to say he has  "special permission" to be here. And he didn't - he was just lying. And then he tried to mistreat the lady saying "Are you new here?" and she isn't but she is a little bit foreign.  

I think this young dude was of a special religion that's  prevalent in Beverly hills. Not to denigrate the religion but some who practice this religion are NOT actually sincere and they're sometimes quite self-centered. 

Others who practice this religion are more sincere and honest. So the young dude reluctantly gets up & starts to leave and as he passes me by he whispers in my ear a term of HATE. It was very creepy & strange & annoying & disturbing. And not true to who I am either. I live a highly moral life. So I reported the incident to a staff member and we confronted  the young dude who was now downstairs. And his initial  response was not to apologize or even any remorse but to say "who is this guy? "  as if he was the center of the world.  I've been coming to this library probably since before he was born. And now I'm the victim of his hateful ignorance . I am STILL trying to get it OUT of my head several months later - it was so creepy & hateful & misplaced. SICKENING creep. 👎