Wednesday, November 2, 2022

I was disappointed by the bait- &- switch of "The Passage" at UCI

I was disappointed by the
 bait- &- switch of "The Passage" : they intentionally used radical snow skiing images to lure people to come to this event thinking it would be an adrenaline- filled presentation (like a Warren Miller film) but it turned out to be an LGBTQ propaganda piece. 

It was classic bait -and -switch and I was disappointed that they would do this at UCI. Also they made you uncomfortable to leave until the very end. Fortunately I had my headphones, which I turned up, and close my eyes, and took a little nap until the end.

 It's disappointing also that LGBTQ doesn't just want acceptance but they want to IMPOSE their lifestyle on you and want to hit you over the head with it. 

Furthermore there was profanity such as "Oh my f god" which combines a profanity with God's name: namely blasphemy.

 This entire event was not only intended to insult traditional judeo-Christian values  but also to LURE people in UNSUSPECTINGLY . 
Shame on you 😡 👎