5/1/11 CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL, 11a...[sheila schuller, after chilean miner interview] .m: " ..best life possible ..series..believe in the god who believes in u..ten commandment message..dusting off...haven't been taught in a while..I was a teenager when dad preached on these..did it sound exciting ? Actually, it became a positive, "Thou shall, thou can..." rather than the negative, so I heard..& thought maybe if I follow..maybe god gave..maybe to spare me from heartache, from pain from hurting self or others, that's how I heard the 10 comm as a teen. And have lived my life accordingly to the best of my ability..has my life been perfect..no, anybody can google my name and see not perfect , but. ..as close as what I remember as a teen being taught by my father, first, developing positive rship..as dad says vertical with God..l,,first four commandments..then the rest are horizontal..rshp with others..forms a cross..the ten comms were very imp to god.. ..one recurring theme of god..obey my comms ..obey & be blessed, ignore & problems [not always, sometimes persecution comes from obeying god, that's a jewish fallacy] ..have no other gods before me..don't compete, no other gods, ...if u do that, no matter what happens, can live best life pssble, god wants to be #1 in your life, ...who is ths god ? So many books, theol tomes, ..not all agree, well let's look at the word, God wants to be in a loving intim rshp with u, he loves u, here is god with moses,,..bush that is burning but not burning,,that's right..fire in middle of bush, but not being consumed, that got moses attention, wouldn't it get yours ? I'm here. Wow..god will do things to get your attention, it was obviously god's nly god, moses knew it was god, god spoke thru the bush, this is what he said "I am the god of abraham isaac jacob,..hav heard the cry of my people..." god acknwldges..god wants to lead moses out, lead us out of bondage, moses says "who me ?" Do I stutter ? Not qualifed,,u got the wrong guy, many feel inadeq unworthy, but god blvd in moses, & god created u for divine purposes as well, moses said believe in me,,will lead..who will I say u r, moses asks, here's what god says, "I am, who I am" that's who god is, that is..I am, god is I am, that simple, look at those words "I am" what they mean, God is self-existing, nobody created god, he created everything else, beware of distinction btw creator & created, u & me the created, we r not the creator, anythng we create is created from something god created..god, the great "I am" tempting to worship created v creator.."I am" ..immutable, no permutations, same... was is will be...never ceased being loving being all powerful , ..he is always the same, never changes, always existed, will always exist, god is real, exists, alive, he loves u, loves his creation, has a plan for u , just as he did for moses, like to say "have no other gods bf me"..re-phrase "believe in the god who believes in u"..this god did rescue..there back on mt sinai, why did god do ten plagues, not one ? I learned they were necc to demonstrate god's power, all these plagues, sppsdly protected by their frog god, fly god, etc, but here come the plagues, they discover god is real true and only powerful god, god delivers from plagues, from red sea, yet even when they see all this, when moses goes up to top of mt sinai, comes back down they had built a golden calf, false gods kept creeping back in, god said don't have any other gods but me, god knew those gods couldn't help them..god knew they were being misled, today, constantly self-examining,..golden calf in your life..one calf I have is "success"..important, but don't let it become a god in your life,,another calf I have to tip is "pleasing others"..I love to please others but did I please god, ..maybe for u it is intelligence, beauty, acquisitions,, tip it over, how..if false god, how can this mislead me,, if I want to be successful, make choices,..maybe have fulfilled god's plan for my life..if haven't pleased god, haven't fulflled god's plan for my life..god wants your life to be full, but starts w making him first & foremost, god believes in u even when u don't believe in him...he loves u, he created u....sometimes circumstances...but but..how can he love me..is god there, does god care, close with story from my dad re daniel foley (?) .belief not just a feeling, ..its a choice..to believe even when there's no reason to believe..have had to do it from time to time..daniel foley ? Poley ? His son became chaplain in ww2..navy, ship lost,,son died,, when poley received news his son was lost he cried to god.."why god, how could u let this happen?" This christian leader's faith was rocked...he made a choice..with no feeling, but he said it..."I believe, I believe, I believe...in god"...still didn't feel anything, but made the declaration,...next day again..day after day..didn't feel it..but finally after many times the spark returned..believe that god loves me..can u make that declaration today ? Maybe u don't feel it ? Just say..I believe ! I believe in god I believe god loves me!

KEEP the FAITH I! it's about FAITH, ABOUT GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT, LOVE ..peace, joy, kindness, care, happiness.. about doing what's right.. treating others better than yourself, about servant leadership, .. it's about hoping for the best from others, even when we live in a world with too much anger and mistreatment of others.. KEEP HOPING for the BEST from others..and DO UNTO OTHERS AS u would HOPE they do UNTO U..