Saturday, October 22, 2011


livo_recording56638.amr Listen on Posterous

10/22/11 STORY of a NORTH KOREAN WHO DEFECTED from NK AFTER COMING TO CHRIST, [he spokein korean but they had an english translator..this is partial verbatim in English, partial audio in Korean]
"...I was a political officer in n korea, .then I came to know jesus christ protect kim job as politcial military uniform, but more like secret service, my position was pretty high..who is higher ? Laborpart or army..I say labor party owns the army ..we call kim the highest position in labor rank was very high, first time...did not have..when study in seminary in s. Korea, sent email to bush, try to convince korea consulate that I am fully s. Korean ..difficult to get come freely, ..question I am aske most. kim --- song dead ? Yes he died in '94 ..he died bc of his son, he asked a socialist or communist better, or capitalism which is better, his fam kim educated in their ideology, he sees many nk people die of starvation but doesn't day his little brother fell into pond..was drowning..he did nothing ..he was insensitized re any death..he wants korea to be united, but in his own way, ..he executed those who wanted unification..we did not know abt god until he came to us ...god made me who I am today. defect and become a pastor, is a master of masquerade, a liar, ..remember the ..incident ..that was carried out by nk.under special command of  kim ..those 5 who attacked the vessel r called heroes in nk ..but sk also spies..made media portray ..nk ..two official churches.. they execute christians,..u see how kim ---, leading nk starves and kills plan for feeding his people ...we live as humans in justice fairness.. n korea does not..I would not devote mtself to such..some of u from nk ..anything taught us --- was wrong ...I doubted nk ..but couldn't say my suspicions, was difficult, . 1997.  I obtained a life Bible..god created heavens..didn't parties ..I began to read, doubted..but friend ordered me to keep reading..I read a book..was fascinated ..diary..will be there 4 u ...speaking at womens school, asked what they wanted, they said, we want men..disappointed,,,thought they'd be deeper, even if a pigeon ..we would want to eat it hungry ..god took my gun, gave me a spiritual gun,  3rd day opened bible again. To end of revelation..jesus come amen..head spinning ..chuche ideology ? Began realizing power of the word..noticed those who denied god were in poor conditions [error] ..many in korea go to mts on Sunday...not church, ...I confess christ..grow in faith, thank god led me, ..not sure capitalism is 100% correct,,n korean has training re ideology, day a female officer Says she was raped, meaning expulsion. I said don't tell anybody. When we confess, our lord forgives, but in nk confession means prison ...I realized the way for all is the lord other way but thru christ, ..I crossed the river ..afraid of being killed but I prayed as I crossed ..voice said do not fear,just walk, ..joshua & I crossed river ..chinese police came, thought he asked where am I going, he said get in ...crossed into china..dropped off at church, workrd for two months tending chickens, listened to far east many have come to christ thru their broadcast...saw tv women beating up men..women in charge..[joking]. ..and if u correc..u lead your family right,willbe treatedwell by your wife, ...finally arrived in korea ..participated in corndrstone ministry, have met people from this ministry, ..I met a pastor on a bus...he had bibles for nk .later 3 persons intrvwd me, determined I was a true defector, of 23,000 I was the only one who sk sent3 people to bring me to sk..godsent me, used me forhis purpose, , I had to stay w ss in sk for a year, then I wanted to attend sem. But sppsd to be baptized, met seminary chancellor, told him this sem was founded by people who came fr nk, they discussed it, decided to admit me as a foreign student, but they wnted to test me on the bible. ,..I passed ...I know u dtill don't have a senior pastor...I went thru trials, god was w me..for nk missions, I pray u wll rcv spirit..when spirit touches us we remember our sins,..4 kinds of people 1..know self, not others, 2, know others not self 3..know self & others, 4 don't know self or others ..root of sin..desire..when repent, take out root of sin , ..northkorea last front line [what ab iran ?] ..many who left nk came back wthe gospel, ..I wrote a book for nk people, if u recevd god's blessings, u must share w others, ...anything made in china, u can find in nk, long nk told to rely on labor party, we need to restore, so korea can be used by god..end END