Monday, November 21, 2011


livo_recording12166.amr Listen on Posterous

11/17/11 LISTEN to DIANE HIGHUM TESTIFY re CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL's last minute decision to choose the Catholic diocese of OC as the preferred buyer of the church. Judge Kwan wanted a "prove up" by the crystal cathedral as to whether their decision was a "sound business decision" & one of the issues was non-monetary, namely that the bylaws of the crystal cathedral required that it remain irrevoceably a religious building (the cathedral itself, that is) . And when asked by CC attorney Winthrop if they would have chosen the catholics even if there was no such bylaw she indicated they would have done so, irregardless, implying the choice of the catholics was based on a desire for the cathedral to remain a house of worship. By the way, I don't think the crystal cathedral attorneys were expecting Judge Kwan to require a "prove up", nor was Ms. Highum expecting to testify.

I went online for more info re Diane & found out she is a Harvard graduate with a M.D. in psychiatry: "Diane Highum, M.D. Psychiatrist Diane Highum, MD is a staff psychiatrist currently working at the Amen Clinic in Newport Beach, CA. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and went on to complete a four year NIH funded research fellowship at Harvard prior to obtaining post graduate training in psychiatry. She spent the first two years of psychiatric residency training at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and completed the final two years of training at UCI in Orange, CA. She has worked in both the private and public sectors, and has treated a wide variety of psychiatric disorders. She has spent a significant portion of her career as an academic psychiatrist as a faculty member at UCI. Immediately prior to joining the Amen Clinic, she worked full-time as a research psychiatrist. She has extensive clinical research experience in the areas of pharmaceutical development and neuroimaging, and is interested in the neuropsychiatric aspects of mental disorders. She joined the Amen Clinic due her interest in the application of neuroimaging modalities for diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders." (See )

Recorded on: 11/17/11 5:17p Duration: 01:36