Thursday, December 29, 2011


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day 16

Tonight we are at a worship event where the Denbigh is headlining. 
We are secretly placing notes on all of the cars. 
"You are beautiful. He is faithful. "
1 Corinthians 1:9

God's kindness leads us to repentance. Romans 2:4

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness- Day 15

Today I started a box. Some dear friends of ours have hearts for Honduras. Eric takes several trips out there a year to work and minister to the people. He is visiting again in July and has sent out a list of things he needs. I started a box and have begun looking around for the things I might have around my house (and things I might see out shopping). I have old cell phones and hair ribbons. If you would like to get in on this act of kindness, I am listing the needs below. They need to be turned in by June 1st. You can drop yours off here if you like.

God's kindness leads us repentance. Romans 2:4


We want to bring kids pairs of soccer shoes to the village of El Plan.  If you can get any soccer shoes donated or purchase them if you would like please do so this would be a great blessing.  We will take any size we can get.  All of the things listed below as well as all shoes and clothing will be needed.  If you have any solar equipment it would be very useful to the Hondurans because they have no power!  Here are a few more things that can be used and are needed.

12 volt RV lights

5-10 gallon gas cans

5-gallon buckets


Balls (volley, football, Nerf…)

Batteries (deep cycle rechargeable boat/car size)


Books in Spanish (bible stories) for kids

Cement mixer


Chop saw

Circular saw


Clothes for kids and adults (adults no bigger than large in shirts and no tall stuff. They are small people)

Control chargers for solar equipment

Crow bars

Extension cords (25-100 foot. Does not need to be heavy duty) 

First aid kits

Flash lights and portable lights

Floor squeegee


Generators (diesel preferred but will take gas no problem)


Hair brushes

Hair things for girls

Hammer drills



Horse Tack (saddles, bits, bridles, halters…)

Horse tanks 100 gal Rubbermaid (new are $75, plastic)

Horse troff float and float valves

Horse Vitamins (de-wormer…) 

Kid’s soccer uniforms

Levels (big and small)


Makita grinder with wet/dry blade

Medicine for allergies and pain

Metal fills to sharpen machetes

Mule packs and packing nets


Note books for kids

Old cell phones

Pick axes

Plastic chairs

Polly pipe 1” roles as long as you can get and fittings. (These come in like 25-300 foot roles)

Power inverters  


Reading glasses

Regular batteries all sizes


School supplies

Sealant for the floor

Shoes for kids

Shop broom


Soccer balls

Soccer Balls (any ball will do but real good ones will last)

Soccer nets

Solar panels

Spanish bibles

Spanish Bibles (study bibles)


Thompson reference Spanish bibles



Toothpaste-tooth brushes


Tubs for water

Vitamins for children and adults

Water purifiers (small or large)

Wind generators

Zip ties (all sizes)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day 14

People don't write letters anymore. Our mail boxes are filled with bills, circulars, and maybe a periodic invitation to something. We tend to evite and email over using snail mail. Tonight, I decided to revive the romantic tradition of the letter. I hand wrote a few notes and mailed them anonymously to people I hardly know. The point of the venture was to remind someone of God's great love and place some scripture in their hands that they might otherwise never read. Then, I prayed that they would feel the kindness of God upon receiving the letter.

God's kindness leads us to repentance. Romans 2:4

Monday, April 27, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day 13

Tonight I recycled a birthday gift bag. I placed some spa items in it and snuck it onto a neighbor's porch. 

God's kindness leads us to repentance. Romans 2:4

Do you live in my neck of the woods? I am planning an evening of random kindness. Ask me about it. 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day 12

Tonight, I placed a couple Starbucks gift cards into an envelope with a card that reads,
"Because of God's great love."
I addressed it to a friend of a friend whom I have never met who is battling cancer. 
I did not sign the card.

Praying this inspires you to be kind without getting thanks. 
God's kindness leads us to repentance. Romans 2:4

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day 11

At ten o'clock at night, Denbigh and I left some daisies and a note on a car in the Walmart parking lot. Denbigh was saying that they would think they had a secret admirer. I told him that I thought they were somewhere inside the store asking God to show Himself to them. We are praying God uses these very simple things to romance someone into His eternal arms.

God's kindness leads us to repentance. Romans 2:4

Friday, April 24, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Ten

Today we left notes where moms hang out declaring, "you are a good mom." Parks, Chick-fil-a. Where can you encourage someone?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Nine

Tonight we left a small set of bath gel and lotion at our water department for the woman who works there. Delivered at 11:30 p.m. Fun times.

God's kindness leads us towards repentance. 
Romans 2:4

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Eight

Denbigh and I left a pot of periwinkles in front of the only restaurant we have in our town to let them know they are deeply appreciated. Denbigh keeps trying to hijack my Forty Days of Kindness. He keeps telling me what "we" should do next. It's catchy.
I would love to know what kind things you are up to. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Seven

Today Laomai and I did an act of kindness right here on my Mac. We bought two ducks from the World Vision catalogue. The recipients benefit from hundreds of large, protein-rich eggs throughout the year. Extra eggs and hatched ducklings can be sold to buy medicine or help pay for children’s school tuition. 
Visit World Vision.                             

God's kindness leads us to repentance. Romans 2:4                   
(Great video below!)         

Monday, April 20, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Six

Day Six was fun. I potted a red salvia in a terra cotta pot and tied it up with some raffia. I placed the plant in my local post office and attached a card telling him God saw his hard work. There is only one employee at our little post office. 
May God use it to minister to him.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Five

Today I was randomly kind from the comfort of my own home. I went to and looked at random wish lists. I found a woman who was wanting a book about God and I added it to my cart. Blam. Some woman in another state will feel the love of Jesus from someone she has never met. How humbling it is to be a part of that. 
Thank you, Lord.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Four

It's day four. I took a packet of post-its and wrote on them,

"You are beautiful.
God loves you."

I was thinking out where I would get to plant them when my husband stepped on a (hundred year old) rusty nail and I had to take him to get a tetanus shot. So I planted them at the clinic, the pharmacy, HEB, and the post office. I have also been leaving people notes in sidewalk chalk out in front of my house as I play with my daughter. What wacky things will I do tomorrow? Stay tuned. I have to say that having a secret mission makes going to the grocery store way more fun. Try it for yourself.
Happy birthday, Emily!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Three

Hobby Lobby was having a dollar sale on journals so I picked up a couple. I slipped one into a bag with a note letting the person know that this was a random act of kindness declaring God's love to them. I left it on a porch after Bible study. More late night covert acts!

Toms Day Without Shoes: I did not wear shoes today to raise awareness about people in Ethiopia who die from an illness related to simply not owning and wearing shoes. For every pair of Toms you buy, they give a pair away to a child in need.

Click Sites: There are web sites out there that have partnered with donors who pay for every click the site receives. I found this list and made a point to click on a few. A no cost kind thing to do.

God's kindness leads us toward repentance. 
Romans 2:4

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day Two

It's Day Two of this wild adventure of kindness. Today I took a tiny zip lock bag filled with $1.25 and wrote on it,
"God loves you. 
Buy yourself a drink with this money. 
a random act of kindness."

I then strategically placed the bag in my local Walmart. Fun times.

God's kindness leads us to repentance.
Romans 2:4

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness-Day One

Today was my first random act of kindness. The rule I made for myself is that these things would be covert. I will get no accolade, glory, or even thanks. The people receiving these things must not know I am doing them. 

It's day one and I am already having fun. I ordered about a hundred copies of the Gospel of John from Pocket Power. (These are cheap. You pay shipping). I intend to put them places over the next forty days. Today, after a party, I placed them on cars on the street where I was. I wrote a simple note in them telling people of God's great love for them. Leaving them, I prayed that God would do whatever He wanted with them and that He would be glorified. May it be. My friend, Christine, even got in on the action and took one to put on her neighbor's car. Inspiration and covert fun at 10:30 p.m. What could be more fun!? 

God's kindness leads us towards repentance. 
Romans 2:4 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Forty Days of Kindness

I was recently inspired to reinvent my lifestyle of kindness. Each day for forty days I will be "committing" one act of random kindness. It was actually quite hard to think of this many things to do for others without them knowing I did it. I am hoping to spread some inspiration. Life is more joyfully lived when we turn our attention away from ourselves and focus on others.

I thought April 15th would be a wonderful day to start. 
On Tax Day someone will surely need cheering!


Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. The third is to be kind.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Your God-Given Authority

This Blog is updated each Tuesday.
I have another challenge for you this week. 

Use the authority that has been given to you. God has been speaking to me about authority and the power it contains. In Luke 10:19 we are told that we have been given all authority to trample on the darkness.He has also been showing me how we act out our lack of belief in this gift every day. My challenge to you is to use your God-given authority in your home and with your friends.

Authority does not need to raise it's voice to be heard. It does not need to yell at it's spouse. It does not need to threaten or manipulate. It cannot condemn or ridicule. It speaks truth. It is kind. Authority speaks and trusts God to bring about the outcome. Authority leaves vengeance to God. 

What if you could speak healing in your home? I am not just talking about your sick children. What if, even just for a day, you spoke with authority and God used your voice to speak something into being? What if  speaking blessing could heal an addiction to pornography in your family, bitterness that needs to be let go, or bring a child to salvation? What if? What if you found out that you are contributing to the very thing you pray against because of your refusal to use your words the way God intended you to? What if you refused to get angry or frustrated and you utilized self-control? You have the authority to bring life to your home. Bring it. 


    [self-kuhn-trohl, self-] 
control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc.
Authority is exercised through our spoken word. 
The power of life and death are in the spoken word: 
 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: 
and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." -Proverbs 18:21

This picture makes me laugh. It is a slide through an otter pool. It appears as if top half of Laomai is ahead of the bottom.
a normal one

The Jerusala Tulipuzi blooms for the 3rd year! I know you have all been waiting anxiously since last year to see my Amaryllis in bloom again.

*pictures from the Waco Zoo and my front porch.