"WHIP-ITS" OVERDOSE? DEMI MOORE RUSHED TO HOSPITAL: Demi Moore was rushed to the hospital after "...inhaling "whip-its" -- a type of nitrous oxide inhalant -- before she was rushed to the hospital earlier this week, TMZ reported The troubled actress became semi-conscious and had symptoms of a seizure after inhaling a dangerous amount of nitrous oxide -- a gas typically inhaled by young people looking for a cheap high -- a friend told paramedics who attended the scene, the gossip site reported The 49 year old was rushed to the hospital from her home in Los Angeles late Monday night, before checking into a treatment facility Tuesday..."
KEEP the FAITH I! it's about FAITH, ABOUT GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT, LOVE ..peace, joy, kindness, care, happiness.. about doing what's right.. treating others better than yourself, about servant leadership, .. it's about hoping for the best from others, even when we live in a world with too much anger and mistreatment of others.. KEEP HOPING for the BEST from others..and DO UNTO OTHERS AS u would HOPE they do UNTO U..