Saturday, January 25, 2025

Re Wekiwa State Park, Florida 

Snorkeling in the springs was nice. Can't complain about that- in the middle of January 2025 when there's a Arctic freeze polar vortex extending over almost everywhere else in the usa when it's snowing up there in Pensacola, Jacksonville & Tallahassee . Some kids in Florida are seeing snow for the first time πŸ‘πŸ₯ΆπŸ˜† using their skimboards to go sledding on. The water temperature was actually warmer than the air- very nice refreshing and you see some fish small and big. One thing that bothered me is that when I asked about fishing at the entrance the young ranger man, if that's what they call them here, told me I could not fish in the springs but to try Sand lake. So after snorkeling I did, But there's clearly NOT much to catch there if anything - that's for sure πŸ‘Ž. The real fishing with actual possibility is outside the springs along the river banks. Or I suppose if you're in a kayak you could do that as well. I'm sure the ranger man knew this as well so I was little bit ticked off that he treated me like some kind of stupid person to brush off. Or if he didn't, he needs to learn a little bit more about his own Park that he works at. Of course that's the new generation - some of them just go through the motions wherever they work and know nothing about the actual substance of the place . When I talk about going fishing, I want to actually have hope of catching something. I'm not one of those "fishermen" are just likes to stand there all day with a line in the water. If there's an elder manager/ ranger at this state park I hope you can educate these youngsters a little bit about this .