Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20/10 Re SKATING WITH the STARS

12/20/10. I just left CBS city where the show "Skating with the Stars' is taped live (for ABC, ironically, and produced by BBC ? Go figure) .Olympic skier Johnny Mosley (gold medal, 1998 winter olympics) & his partner Brooke Castille were eliminated. Johnny Weir was particularly critical of the song "Let's Get it On" and the sexuality of it.

Bethany Frankel & Ethan Burgess managed to stay alive despite medium scores, lower than they deserved I thought (altho they needed a little more energy) but they still managed to nudge out Johnny & Brooke. Rebecca Budig & Fred Pascak had the highest score from the judges. They came out first and almost got perfect tens, with only a few nines.

It's a well-run production, the wait outside was a little long, but I've been to worse. Inside, the people were friendly. The skating rink is small but elegant. One of the camera crewman slipped on the ice & fell flat on his back (not hurt) , to the amusement of the warm-up guy & a few in the crowd. We cheered on cue and some of us  booed a few times at some of the low scores. I also think  Johnny Weir was a little too critical re Johnny Mosley's choice of music. Show some grace, Johnny.

Still raining as I walk back to my car.