"... Dodgers bench coach Trey Hillman managed Darvish with the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters in Japan's Pacific League from 2005 to '07."He's a No. 1," Hillman says. "The only reason he wouldn't be called a No. 1 on a lot of (major league) teams is they wouldn't want to hurt their current No. 1s' feelings." Darvish can go to the team that submits the highest sealed bid by 5 p.m. ET Wednesday as part of the posting process for players coming ..."
KEEP the FAITH I! it's about FAITH, ABOUT GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT, LOVE ..peace, joy, kindness, care, happiness.. about doing what's right.. treating others better than yourself, about servant leadership, .. it's about hoping for the best from others, even when we live in a world with too much anger and mistreatment of others.. KEEP HOPING for the BEST from others..and DO UNTO OTHERS AS u would HOPE they do UNTO U..