Thursday, December 15, 2011


I begin with a few anecdotes & pictures that I found on Henry Stob's website (he being a former Calvin College student around the same time as my grandpa Peters) He talks here about a time when my grandpa participated in a "prank" a bonfire on top of one of the buildings.. which he says was a "safe" fire, but nonetheless got my grandpa and associates in a bit of trouble: " The membership of the council underwent a change early in the year, and thereby hangs a tale. George Stob, a senior, had been elected president of the council in September, and Peter De Vries, a junior, had been elected vice president; but they unfortunately did not remain in office long. It seems that Leo Peters, a sophomore at the time, decided to build a "safe" fire on the dorm's flat roof as a prank and thus provide the populace with a harmless "scare." He required for his purpose a large sheet of protective asbestos and, of course, the fuel for burning. But having at the time no means of transportation, he enlisted the services of Peter De Vries, who owned a car and who happened to be in the company of George Stob at the time. The three of them set out on their errand, procured the required materials, and brought them back to the campus. Stob and De Vries then left the scene and took no part in the ensuing conflagration. However, Peters and some companions started and manned a roof fire of some proportions which, being seen and reported by fearful neighbors, brought out the fire department and caused considerable excitement. No damage was done, except to the composure of the neighbors and to the sensibilities of the faculty's discipline committee. What punishment Peters received I do not recall, but George Stob and Peter De Vries were held to be accessories to the "crime" and were deprived of their offices. John Dolfin was thereupon elevated to the presidency, and Henry Zylstra became vice president; I served the council as secretary...."