..hey joel, I'm still waiting to hear from you..do u still think I'm a no-good sob ? or what ? I'm not a bad guy joel ! how's jerome & the rest of the slenks? I'm out here shooting around @ newport beach, was thinkibng of the times we played some driveway pickup w/ kortenhoven & boerigter ..how they doing btw ? and hear my prayer for the templemans at this timeof grief as tony passed away (but also a time of joyknowing he was a good Christian man who is in a better place today)..and how's leah & the kids..leah from edgerton..God bless her..another crc connection for me..my grandpa was a pastor in edgerton for a while..my aunt faith still lives there (faith kok dekam)..my band teacher at mllbrook orig taught my uncle gary & faith& mary timmer music at the christian school in edgerton..its a small world..& I remember you & leah from koinonia at bethany crc ..and the list goes on..I flew in from jackson wy for your wedding..(but only made the reception..u didn't seem to happy to see me..thought we were friends..what happened?1 beware of gossip..u may hear false or misleading things..I'm still a christian..a forgiven sinner seeking to live for the glory of god..doing audio bibles..went to seminary..started a ministry..and the list goes on my friend ..haven't seen u out front washing the car lately..by the way, does your mom still socialize with nancy peters..that's a whole 'nother story..how nancy became the butterball queen...wow..my friend joel..this life is meaningless if we don't make it count for the kingdom..going to church every Sunday means NOTHING if we r not sharing our faith in spirit & truth from the heart..working at rockwell or aerospace (as does my uncle bruce) means nothing if we don't have the spirit (& bruce has the spirit by the way)..how 'bout u ? don't listen to malicious gossip about me..I'm a forgiven sinner living a straight life for Jesus Christ..how 'bout u my pal ? come to Christ Joel before its too late..truly come !
KEEP the FAITH I! it's about FAITH, ABOUT GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT, LOVE ..peace, joy, kindness, care, happiness.. about doing what's right.. treating others better than yourself, about servant leadership, .. it's about hoping for the best from others, even when we live in a world with too much anger and mistreatment of others.. KEEP HOPING for the BEST from others..and DO UNTO OTHERS AS u would HOPE they do UNTO U..