i remember Howard Wilson... i had a little "showdown" with him due to some student issues...never felt like I got a fair shake in the whole matter. And it felt awkward with a Canadian in a position to make significant decisions about my presence (or lack of) at Fuller Seminary. He was also one of those who kept posting things on the wall (where students are allowed to post missives stating their opinion) about how people should not personally attack others,...with which I agree, but at times I felt as if simply disagreeing with a Fuller professor was wrongly construed as an "attack" (so that they removed the post). Of course I had issues with Canadian professors at Calvin Seminary as well (Wilson, by the way, was not a professor but took on various administrative tasks). I wonder if his connection to Fuller was a Canadian connection to Mouw (Mouw studied in Canada for a while. Were they buddies there ?). Nonetheless, I remained steadfastly civil throughout my time at Fuller and even gave Howard a Christmas gift or two (delivered to his doorstep in Glendora). Now he's back in Canada as a president of an academic institution, The problem with Canadian professors coming to American institutions is unlike other non-Americans at academic institutions because Canadians by & large have no distinctive dialect and are mostly Anglo, so they are difficult to distinguish as non-American, and some of them are actually anti-American in some ways (yet they get treated like Americans up until the point you find out by conversation or research that they are not) and take full advantage of this phenomenon. There was also the problem at Calvin with Canadians going into ministry more for the sake of getting "into" America (only foreigners in academia or ministry or a few other professions can retain their original citizenship while living & working in America on a long-term basis; and they also get better pay here, lower costs (especially gas & importantly for Canadians, cigarettes), while still retaining Canadian status and free health care back across the border). Thus, there is a conflict-of-interest and also it's unfair to put Americans born here under the decision-making power of Canadians working at the seminary or a college or even a church. ...Etxecutive Vice President Howard Wilson Moves to Ambrose University College
Howard Wilson, Fuller’s executive vice president for administration, has been appointed president of Ambrose University College in his native Canada. After 12 years of service at Fuller, Wilson concludes his tenure on July 24, to begin his new role in Calgary August 4.
On July 22, a festive send-off event at Fuller’s Pasadena campus—complete with a Canada-themed Jeopardy game, maple-flavored refreshments, and decorations in Canadian red and white—celebrated Wilson and his many accomplishments at Fuller.Wilson joined Fuller in 1997 as director of admissions. He served as vice president for student life and enrollment management and vice president for student life and administrative systems before being appointed executive vice president for administration. In recent years he has served as project manager for several significant building projects on campus: the Chang Commons housing facility, a student services building, and, most recently, the David Allan Hubbard Library which opened in May 2009."http://www.fuller.edu/news-and-events/news/wilson-ambrose.aspx